Monday, February 21, 2011

Beach Party

You may have noticed I didn't manage to post yesterday D:
This was due to not arriving home until half one, by which stage I was exhausted and went straight to bed.

So, two posts again today to make up for it :D
Firstly, the beach party!
Had an awesome time meeting up with all our friends for the afternoon, as we're leaving for England in 26 days, give or take a few hours :') 'Twas a very enjoyable time, with delightful company, a long evening and warm water...Jealous yet? You should be ;)

So just want to shout out to you all, love you guys and I shall miss you heaps, let's not lose contact yeah?


  1. I love reading your blog posts! Keep it up :)

  2. Hehe thank you, my dear anonymous reader :P
