Friday, February 11, 2011


Today, my dears, I was awakened at the crack of 8.00 to go have black and white photos taken, an occurrence most odd as I usually spend as much time trying to be BEHIND the camera (Not taking the photos, you understand, but literally just standing behind it, out of harms photos way)

Still, it did prove rather enjoyable, and gave me ample opportunity to show off my awesome, Robert Smith-esque(ish) shirt, which can only ever be a good thing right? 
Also, my AWESOME DOC MARTENS (link here) struck such a chord with the photographer
that she asked to keep me back and do a small shoot with lots of bootage! :') 
You know it was good.

Anyway, so depending on how they come out, I may decide to favour you with a couple of 
shots (They should be ready by next week-ish), but first!
Simple curiosity leads me to wonder whether you read this and imagine a girl or a guy writing it?
So, your question, as I haven't given one in a while (and you're all blatantly 
missing it ;)), shall be this:

Me: Girl or Guy?

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